Anyone Can Afford Care from This Dentist in Longmont!

July 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 8:56 pm

When’s the last time you visited your dentist in Longmont?If you’re looking for a new dentist in Longmont, you’re probably considering what you can afford and go from there. It’s important to first find a dentist that takes your insurance if you do have dental insurance. But, if you don’t, you don’t have to worry about missing critical dental appointments any longer. Longmont Complete Dentistry offers a variety of helpful new patient information on our website from patient specials, documents that you’ll need, and financing options to receive the dental care you need.

The Dental Healthcare Deficit

Believe it or not, more than 47 million people in the United States have a hard time finding access to dental care according to the Federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Low-income adults are almost twice as likely to have no daycare than those of middle or higher paying jobs. The Provisions of the Affordable Care Act made steps in the right direction in 2014, but did not solve the problem, allowing children to receive dental care but not adults. With that being said, more and more adults are suffering from dental problems like missing teeth, discolored smiles, and other damage that’s caused by neglect.

Patients Need a Pretty Smile to Land a Job!

What makes this all worse? The people of the United States put a lot of weight on a beautiful smile—including employers. Most people make instant judgments based on appearance meaning they’ll look straight to someone’s smile and teeth. “If you want to portray someone as being wicked, they have missing front teeth. If they’re ignorant, they have buck teeth,” said Lindsey Robinson, a dentist, and president of the California Dental Association. These social views can influence employers to surpass potential assets because of a crooked, flawed smile. Imagine not being able to find a job period, let alone one that provides dental benefits. You’ll never get the dental work you need!

New Patient Specials

In most cases, patients need their semiannual checkups. These appointments every 6 months include a dental exam that includes digital x-rays, professional cleaning, and custom dental plan for further treatments. For a limited time, you can receive both the dental exam and digital x-rays for just $55! This is a great way to figure out if you need more dental work in the near future. You can click here for a new patient appointment with your discount. When you receive a dental exam and x-rays, your Longmont dentist is able to keep an eye out for oral cancer, occlusion issues, and other dental problems.

Financial Options

Longmont Family Dentistry works hand in hand with a variety of dental insurance plans so any one can receive dental care. Dental insurance can be complicated, so we’re here to help you discover your best options. Although we’re in network with Delta Dental and several Anthem plans, we also work with a financing company called CareCredit! If you need dental work but also need to pay for it at a slower, manageable rate, contact our office.

At the end of the day, we want your teeth and gums to stay strong and healthy. You can’t keep them that way without the help of your dentist. Call us today to find out what options work best for you and your family.