Is Dental Porcelain Strong Enough to Repair My Smile?

June 13, 2018

Several porcealin restorations on tabletopMany patients can’t understand why the dentist would recommend porcelain materials to repair teeth. Delicate things like porcelain dolls and porcelain teacups come to mind first, and it may seem unlikely that porcelain is strong enough to repair damaged teeth or enhance your smile. However, think about the strength of a porcelain knife. The type of porcelain, design, and use make all the difference when it comes to the strength of porcelain. In fact, dental-grade porcelain is typically just as strong (if not stronger) than your natural tooth enamel. Whether you’re considering cosmetic treatment using porcelain veneers or dental restoration with a porcelain crown or bridge, a skilled dentist can create durable, long lasting porcelain restorations that leave you with flawless smiles.

What’s in Your Toothpaste?

June 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 4:18 pm

toothpaste and toothbrushAs a health-conscious person, you’re probably always scrutinizing the ingredients list of any food you buy. You look for foods that are free from complex-sounding chemicals and artificial dyes, and you’re careful to avoid anything that has ingredients you’re allergic to. But do you take a similar approach with your toothpaste? As your family dentist in Longmont explains, it’s important that you know what you’re using to keep your smile clean and fresh.
