How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution to Floss More

December 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 8:17 pm
person flossing their teeth

According to the American Dental Association, people should floss their teeth at least once each day. Flossing your teeth is one of the most important parts of maintaining good oral hygiene. Brushing your pearly whites removes a lot of the plaque and bacteria from your mouth, but neglecting to floss means you’re missing 40% of the plaque on your teeth, underneath your gum line, and behind your back molars. If you don’t floss regularly, why not set doing it more as your New Year’s resolution? Read on for five tips that will help you keep up with flossing your teeth in the new year.

Tip #1: Start Off Slow

Just like with any other New Year’s resolution, going from not flossing at all to doing it every day can be a bit daunting. If need be, work your way up. Start by flossing a few times per week. Before you know it, you’ll be able to do it every day without issue!

Tip #2: Refresh Yourself on the Proper Technique

If you don’t remember the proper technique to use when flossing or you never knew it in the first place, watch videos or look at diagrams to get it down. This will allow you to effectively remove plaque from your teeth, therefore lessening your chances of developing cavities and other oral health issues.

Tip #3: Use the Right Products

Make sure you use dental floss that best fits your needs. There are various kinds, including waxed, unwaxed, different flavors, and different thicknesses. Additionally, if traditional floss isn’t a good fit, consider investing in a water flosser.

Tip #4: Remind Yourself to Floss

Set alarms on your phone so you don’t forget to floss. You can also leave a sticky note in the bathroom near your toothbrush. It’s an important part of caring for your teeth, so make a point of doing what you can to remind yourself to start incorporating it into your routine.

Tip #5: Make Flossing Convenient

Though before bed is generally the best time to floss, doing it at all is better than nothing. Consider carrying dental floss in your purse or keeping it in your car to make it more convenient. You can also store it next to your toothbrush in your bathroom so it’s easily accessible.

Flossing is key to maintaining a healthy smile. So, in the new year, make sure to show your teeth you care by doing at least once per day. Your dentist will thank you for it!

About the Practice

Longmont Complete Dentistry is here to offer its Colorado patients the quality dental care they deserve. Their goal is to help you learn the best way to care for your smile in a safe, comfortable, and stress-free environment. They offer a range of preventive treatments like checkups, X-rays, and dental cleanings to keep oral health issues at bay. For more information on how Longmont Complete Dentistry can help you take better care of your pearly whites in the new year or to set up a consultation, visit their website or call their office at (303) 772-7000.