What Should I Know About Kissing with Dentures?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 10:00 pm
mature couple on valentine’s day

You already have plenty of things you want to get right when a date is coming up, so worrying about kissing with dentures isn’t an extra concern you want to stress out about. If you have a date for Valentine’s Day, you might be wondering whether your artificial teeth will potentially have any problems when you are kissing. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist in Longmont about dating and kissing with dentures, plus tips to make sure your date goes well.

Should I Expect Any Issues When Kissing with Dentures?

While kissing is a crucial part of any romantic relationship, many denture wearers discover they’re not willing or able to kiss once they get their artificial teeth. For instance, partial dentures pose a challenge when it comes to kissing. They’re secured to your natural teeth with hooks or clasps, which might not be enough when it’s time for action. The pressure can dislodge the denture and in a worst-case scenario be swallowed by either partner. Complete dentures have similar problems as partials, except they’re more likely to be dislodged with suction since that’s the only thing holding them in place.

On the other hand, if you are eligible for dental implants, you should consider getting implant-retained dentures. They provide you with far more security via a sturdy foundation to prevent slippage and elevate your ability to eat, speak, smile, and kiss with total confidence! The concerns in this blog post to watch out for are pertaining to complete dentures and partials.

How Do I Let My Date Know I’m Wearing Dentures?

If you wear dentures, you’re probably wondering when and how you should tell your date about your artificial teeth. Although it can be difficult to broach the subject, it’s essential to let your partner know in the early stages of the relationship before getting intimate. There may never be a perfect time, but the sooner you get it out in the open, the more relaxed you can be. Additionally, showing your vulnerability can even bring you two closer together!

Tips for Kissing with Dentures

Are you inexperienced when it comes to dating or kissing with dentures? Here are some helpful tips:

  • Hold them securely. When you first put your dentures in, use denture adhesive to ensure they stay firmly in place.
  • Kiss carefully. Do not apply a lot of suction to your teeth or kiss too forcefully to avoid dislodging your dentures.
  • Relax. The best thing you can do is relax about the kiss. Only tell your partner about your dentures if you feel comfortable enough to do so!
  • Keep your mouth clean. Make sure you’re brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and rinsing with an ADA-approved mouthwash.

Don’t avoid affection on Valentine’s Day just because you have dentures. Follow the aforementioned tips to ensure your first date is a success so the second one will be set as well!

About the Practice

At Longmont Complete Dentistry, we believe in providing patient-centered dental care that’s focused on helping you feel comfortable and heard. Everyone who walks through our doors will receive the attentive, high-quality treatment they deserve. Our dental office is family-owned and operated. If you are interested in dentures, we offer complete dentures and partials, as well as made-for-kissing implant-retained dentures. You can schedule a consultation on our website or by calling (303) 772-7000.