Do Digital Impressions Really Give You Better-Fitting Restorations?

April 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 3:39 pm
digital impressions for better-fitting restorations

After dealing with an excruciating toothache, you’re more than ready to get rid of the decay and have your tooth back. Following the root canal, your dentist says you’ll require a custom crown, and they need to take digital impressions of your entire mouth to create a better-fitting restoration.

But why does the fit of your restoration matter? What is wrong with traditional impressions? And how do digital impressions make a difference? Get answers to these questions by continuing to read this post.

Why the Fit of Restorations Matters

At first glance, the fit may not seem like a huge deal. A dental crown looks pretty similar to another to the untrained eye, but each tooth in each patient’s mouth is unique. The curvature and shape of your teeth fit together to create your bite, which is different from anyone else’s. If you need a dental crown, for example, it needs to fit perfectly, not only with the teeth around it within the same arch but also with the teeth it contacts when you bite.

If you have a restoration that doesn’t fit your unique mouth, it can lead to several issues. For instance, your bite may come out of alignment, changing how you eat and potentially leading to jaw pain. This change can also lead to significant enamel wear, which means you’ll be needing more restorations in the future.

Why Traditional Impressions Fall Short

Although it is certainly possible for traditional impressions to result in a properly fitting restoration, the process can go wrong in several ways.

First, the assistant must hold the impression tray in place perfectly still for a few minutes to capture an accurate cast of your teeth. Even with a steady hand, there is room for error! One false move could create a mold that doesn’t reflect your teeth.

Second, traditional impressions are often uncomfortable for patients with goopy putty. In fact, many gag, which makes it more difficult to keep the molds in place while the putty sets.

Unfortunately, these errors often don’t show up until the impressions are sent to the lab, at which point you’ll have to return to the dentist’s office to get impressions again.

How Digital Impressions Improves Fit

Unlike the traditional method, digital impressions involves technology doing the heavy lifting. A small device is inserted into the mouth and digital measures and captures all the information needed to create a perfect mold of your teeth. Within minutes, a 3D model of your teeth can be viewed on a screen, ensuring that the impressions are fully and accurately captured. As a result, the lab can fabricate a natural-looking restoration for your smile.

If you have the good fortune to work with a dentist who utilizes this technology in their practice, know that your restoration is much more likely to fit as it should, saving you valuable time and giving you your smile back!

About the Practice

At Longmont Complete Dentistry, our team of experienced dentists stays abreast of technological advancements in the field of dentistry. We take advantage of our digital impressions system to give patients a better experience and better restorations and appliances. If you would like to learn more about digital impressions, or if you need a restoration, contact Longmont Complete Dentistry online or call the office at 303-772-7000.