What to Expect After Getting a Root Canal

March 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — longmontteam @ 3:49 am
person resting on couch after getting a root canal

Root canals are dental procedures aimed at saving teeth that are badly damaged or infected. During the treatment, the infected or damaged pulp inside the tooth is removed, and then the tooth is sealed to prevent further infection. Many people are nervous about getting a root canal because they think it will be painful, but it’s often not as bad as they expect. In fact, it’s usually quite straightforward and can be almost painless with modern techniques and anesthesia. Keep reading to learn more about the post-procedure care and what you can do to make the experience as smooth as possible.

Take Pain Medicine

Root canal therapy is often described as almost painless, similar to the discomfort you might feel when getting a large cavity filled. It’s normal to expect some level of discomfort after the procedure, just like with any dental treatment.

You can usually manage this discomfort with over-the-counter pain relief medication. However, it’s important to talk to your dentist before taking any medication to make sure it’s safe and get the right advice on how to manage any pain or discomfort you may experience.

Lessen Inflammation

If you notice swelling or tenderness after your root canal, using a cold compress can help reduce swelling and numb the area. Rinsing with salt water can also help reduce swelling and get rid of bacteria around the tooth. Your dentist will give you specific instructions on how to take care of your mouth and manage any discomfort to help you recover well.

Have Soft Foods at the Ready

After a root canal, it’s a good idea to steer clear of hard or crunchy foods because they can be uncomfortable and might get stuck near the treated tooth. Opt for soft foods like soups, yogurt, pudding, pasta, and rice that are easier to chew. Also, try to chew on the other side of your mouth to avoid putting pressure on the tooth that’s healing.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Getting enough rest is really important after a root canal to help with healing. Try not to do too much or any heavy lifting in the first few days after the procedure. If your job involves a lot of physical work, you might want to take a couple of days off to rest up. Taking it easy and getting good rest will help your mouth heal properly.

Remember, following your dentist’s instructions is really important for a smooth healing process. By doing what they say, you’ll be on track to recover well and get your smile back in no time!

About the Practice

The team at Longmont Complete Dentistry is really good at what they do, and they’re all about helping you get a healthy and bright smile. They offer treatments like root canal therapy to fix teeth that are infected or damaged. With their skill and care, you can feel confident that your smile will be back to its best soon. If you want to make an appointment or learn more about what they can do for you, you can visit their website or give them a call at (303) 772-7000.